Noojee Billing Portal

Noojee Billing Portal

Noojee's Billing Portal provides our customers and resellers with access to billing details and invoices which relate to:

  • Voice Minutes
  • Fixed Monthly Recurring costs
  • Agent Hours

Please note that the billing portal is only available to Noojee's current customers.

To access the billing portal go to: https://billing.noojee.com.au

If you need access to our Billing Portal please email support@noojee.com.au with your details including:

  • Full Name
  • Company Name
  • Email address (to be used when accessing the portal)

If you are not known to our accounts department they may request authorisation from an appropriate person within your organisation before granting access.

If you already have access to the portal you are also able to grant access to other members of your organisation by logging into the portal and clicking Account from the menu, then visiting the Users tab. At the bottom of the page click the 'Invite User' button to invite an authorised colleague to the billing portal.