What are 'retries'

What are 'retries'

Noojee's lead cleansing services is designed to deliver better than 95% accuracy. In order to do that we sometimes need to retry some numbers.

The batch summary report displays a column 'retries pending' which so the total number of leads that are waiting to be retried.

For example, country exchanges often go down for a number of hours at a time (or longer). During the outage the telecommunications network will report all phone numbers attached to that exchange as disconnected. In this case we then need to retry the number over an extended period of time to ensure that a disconnected number is actually disconnected.

There are many other scenarios for which we need to apply the same 'retry' logic.

When a number is queued for 'retry', the number is scheduled for testing over a three day period, with the number being tested on each (business day) during that period. If the number returns a success at any point in that period then it is removed from the 'retry queue' and returned as successful test.

Occasionally, even after retrying, we get an indeterminate result. In these case the leads status is marked as unknown and you are not charged for these leads.