Unanswered Calls

Unanswered Calls

Unanswered Calls


Displays for a requested period the number of unanswered calls for the requested queues.

Intended Use

Provides a tool to allow an analysis as to why calls are going unanswered.


Date Range

Allows the report to be filtered to those calls within a selected date range.


Allows the report to be filtered to report on 1 or more queues. Click the check box next the heading lable 'Queue' to select all queues to report on.





Number of unanswered calls

Total number of unanswered calls.

Wait time before disconnection

Average: Average time (in seconds) the caller spent holding the line before getting disconnected.

Minimum - Minimum time (in seconds) the caller spent holding the line before getting disconnected.

Maximum - Maximum time (in seconds) the caller spent holding the line before getting disconnected.

Total: Total time (in hours) the caller spent holding the line before getting disconnected.

Disconnection Causes




The cause type of unanswered calls within the given time interval.

No. of calls

The number of unanswered calls within the given time interval that was disconnected due to the particular cause type.


The percentage of unanswered calls within the given time interval that was disconnected due to the particular cause type.

Unanswered calls, distribution by length




The range of unanswered call length.

No. of calls

The number of unanswered calls within the given time interval with call length in the particular length range.


The percentage of unanswered calls within the given time interval with call length in the particular length range.

Unanswered calls by queue




The particular queue considered in the row.

No. of calls

The number of unanswered calls within the given time interval for the particular queue.


The percentage of unanswered calls within the given time interval for the particular queue.

Refer to the Field Glossary for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.

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