Speed Test

Speed Test

Testing your connection

The speed test gives you a snapshot of available speed at the time you run the test. In many locations and depending on the type of connection your speed may vary based on time of day or day of week. In particular many locations slow down after 3pm (when the kids get home from school). We advise that you run a speed test across multiple days and at different times. 

The available speed will also vary depending on other activities going on in the office. For instance if someone downloads a large file it can impact on the voice quality of any calls that are ongoing at that time.

These speed tests do not give the whole picture as they do not account for issues such as fragmentation.

The only way to get guaranteed call quality when making VoIP (SIP) telephone calls is to use a dedicated VoIP service. Noojee can provide pricing on a dedicated VoIP service matched to your requirements. Contact Noojee Sales at sales@noojee.com.au or by calling 1300 NOOJEE (666 533)

Running the Speed Test


  • Modern Web Browser (Firefox 6.x or above recommended)
  • Flash
  • Internet connection 

To test your connection, using your web browser navigate to http://speedtest.net

NOTE: a word of warning. This site sometimes rather aggressively pushes anti-virus software. Make certain you don't push the wrong button as it may do a fake scan in attempt to get you to buy the software.

You will be presented with a page that looks similar to the one below.


Click the 'Begin Test' button


Wait to until the speed test is completed for your results.

You need the three numbers that appear across the top  of the screen:

Ping Time

Ping times should ideally be 50ms or less. You can get away with 100 ms but above 300 ms you will notice a definite delay when speaking to a customer.

Download Speed

You need around 0.2 Mbps per agent. So a connection which is running at 1.2 Mbps can handle 6 agents.

Upload Speed

You need around 0.1 Mpbs per agent. So a connection which is running at 0.6 Mbps can handle 6 agents.

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