Installing Noojee Click
You can install Noojee Click directly from the Mozilla Adons web site by entering the following URL in the Firefox address bar:
Click the 'Add to Firefox' button.
And then the 'Install Now' button.
Once the install has completed, click the 'Restart Firefox' button to restart firefox and activate Noojee Click.
Once Firefox restart a new icon
will appear in the bottom right hand corner of the Firefox status bar.Click the image and select the 'Configuration...' option.
The Noojee Click configuration is split into a number of tabbed panels. You can find a complete description of each panel Configuration-104.
To get Noojee Click operational you must configure at least two of the Panels:
- Phone
- Asterisk
Phone Panel
Extension : enter your handsets extension number
Auto Answer : tick the checkbox to enable auto answer
Phone Type: select your phone type. If your phone isn't in the list then set it to 'Snom'.
See the Phone configuration page for additonal details on how to configure your phone.
Asterisk Panel
Server Type: select AJAM (Asterisk 1.4+)
Host: Enter the IP address or hostname of your asterisk server as set in http.conf above.
Port: 8088
Username: click
Password: Enter the password as configured in the manager.conf above
Context: The Asterisk context that the dial should occur from. The context must be able to make outbound calls.
For vanilla asterisk use 'default' for Trixbox use 'from-internal'.
See theAsterisk configuration page for additonal details on how to configure your phone.
Firefox Add-on Bar
As of Firefox 4.0 the old Firefox status bar has disappear. As this is where we displayed all of the call progress information as well as the Noojee Click menu, this is a bit of a problem.
Fortunately there is an easy fix. Firefox 4.0 has a new 'Add-on Bar' where the Noojee Click call progress and menu are now available.
To enable the Firefox Add-on Bar
Select 'View | Toolbars | Add-on Bars'
Make certain there is a tick next to Add-on Bars and Noojee click menu icon should appear.
Testing install
Noojee Click is now installed and should be operational. To test it browse to a page which contains a phone number.
If the phone number doesn't have a Noojee Click 'Dial Icon'
after it then check the following:- Confirm that you have restarted Firefox since installing Noojee Click
- Check that Noojee Click is enabled by clicking the Noojee Click icon in the Status bar and ensuring that the 'Enabled' menu item has a tick next to it.
- Add the phone numbers 'pattern' to Noojee Click's list of recognized phone numbers by following the instructions to add a Patterns-109.
If the phone number does have a Dial Icon then simply click the Dial Icon. Your handset should immediately answer the call (if you have Auto Answer enabled) and Noojee Click will then dial the selected number.
If you are still having problems then you can get community support from the Noojee forums.