Answering Machine Detection (AMD)
AMD provides an automated way of detecting Answering Machines and filtering them out so that Agents don't have to deal with them.
Before you get too excited there are a no. of hazards with using AMD that need to be understood before you get started.
We recommend talking to the Noojee Support team before you attempt to turn on AMD.
Field | Description |
Use Answering Machine Detection | If enabled then Automatic Answering Machine Detection will be used. |
Initial Silence Time | The maximum silence duration before the greeting. If exceed then assume an Answering Machine. Default: 50 |
Max Greeting Time | The maximum length of a greeting. If exceed then assume an Answering Machine. Default: 1500 |
After Greeting Silence Time | The silence after detecting a greeting If exceed then assume an Answering Machine. Default:800 |
Total Analysis Time | The maximum time allowed for the detector to decide between a person or an Answering Machine. Default: 5000 |
Minimum Word Length Time | The minimum duration of Voice to considered as a word. Default: 100 |
Between Word Silence Time | The minimum duration of silence after a word to considere the audio what follows as a new word. Default: 50 |
Max Number Of Words | The maximum number of words in the greeting. If exceed then assume an Answering Machine. Default: 3 |
Silence Threshold | The silence threshold. e.g the volume below which we consider there to be silence. Default: 256 |