Screen Layout Preview
Screen Layout Preview
The Preview pane allows you to see the Screen Layout as your Agents will see it.
The Preview pane can also be used to test any Javascript that you have written for the Screen Layout as well as any Action Dispositions.
Data Entry
You can start by testing the basic data entry of the page buy entering or changing any of the field values displayed.
You can clear any data you have entered (to start afresh) by clicking the 'Reset' Button.
Test Buttons
The Test buttons across the top of the preview area allow you to simulate common actions that occur whilst on a call. When you trigger a Test button the Screen Layouts Javascript will be called just as it would when the agent is making calls.
- Reset - clear all of the data entry fields.
- On Preview - simulate the screen entering preview mode.
- On Connect - simulates the call being connected.
- On Hangup - simulates the hangup event.
- On Save - simulates the On Save event.
- Trigger Actions - triggers a disposition Action.
Disposition Actions
The Trigger Actions button allows you to trigger any actions associated with a particular Disposition. To use the Trigger Actions button, fill in any relavent fields within the Screen Layout, select the Disposition from the drop list and then click Tigger Action.