JavaScript Layout

JavaScript Layout

Java Script Editor

The Java Script Editor is an advanced feature. If you don't know what Java Script is and you are not a programmer then just move on, there is nothing here for you to see :)

If you do have the pre-requisite skills then the Java Script Editor delivers massive power to in the way of automating screen layouts.

You should refer to the 05.5. Javascript Editor for details.

In summary using javascript you can provide field level and form level validation, interact with third party system to do things like:

  • display a map based on a leads address
  • validate their address
  • process credit cards
  • turn the layout into a wizard
  • Start/Stop recording

Each Screen layout has an associated Java Script which executes when the screen is loaded with callbacks being trigged on key events such as 'onConnect', 'onHangup', 'onDisposition' etc.

Each time you edit a script the old version is saved in the history in case you need to revert to an older version. To view older versions click the 'History' button.

As soon as you save a Java Script it will be active on the very next call any agent (using the assocated screen layout) takes. So be careful making changes on a live system.