03. Configuration

03. Configuration

Noojee Answer's operation is controlled via configuration in UserSpace with the key AnswerBarConfig

The toolbar.xml configuration file is an XML file which contains a number of tags that you will need to modify depending on how you want Noojee Answer to operate and the specifics of your environment.

The follow explains each top level tag.

05. ToolsSpecifies a 'tool' that is to be loaded into the Answer Bar. Any number of tools may be loaded.
pluginsSpecifies a plugin, multiple plugins may be specified

The following is a simple configuration  that Screen Pops a static URL (this web page in fact).

To make this toolbar work you need to update each of the following tags:

  "tools": [
  "plugins": {
    "CallerIdPlugin": {
      "params.url": "https://wiki.noojee.com.au/Noojee_Answer/03._Configuration"
		// the url will have the following automatically appended to it "?&callerId="
        //   + callerIdNum + "&exten=" + exten + "didNum=" + didNumber

  "options.defaultPopBehaviour":"Pop on Queue Ring",
  "options.extensionsUsingOutboundJavaScriptPop": "100,101"

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