01. Overview

01. Overview

Noojee Answer provides the ability to easily add Screen Pops to any Web Application such as a CRM.

Noojee Answer is designed to work with Noojee PBX

Noojee Answer is also designed to work with Noojee Inbound our inbound contact centre solution.

Noojee Answer appears as an auto-hiding status bar (referred to as the Answer Bar) at the footer of your Web Application. 

The Answer Bar consists of a series of customisable components referred to as Tools.

The purpose of a Tool is to display information or add custom functionality to the Answer Bar. 

Noojee Answer includes a number of standard Tools and provides a mechanism for custom Tools to be created using Java.

The standard set of Tools that ship with Noojee Answer are:

A 06. Plugins is designed to provide Tools with information from an external data source such as your Web Application or an external Database. Different Plugins can be configured to handle calls depending on the DID number or queue. Custom Plugins can also be developed using Java.

Noojee Answer ships with a standard set of Plugins: