

HTTP prefix

The prefix to use when connection to Asterisk. This should match the 'prefix' settings in 'http.conf'.

Caller ID

The caller ID to transmit to the dialed party. Requires your telecommunications service to support caller id.


The set of characters which are accepted as part of a phone number.

Monitor Pages  (recommended)

Monitoring of pages has now be deprecated as it was causing some serious performance problems due to a bug in firefox. Until Mozilla get around to fixing the problem this feature has been disabled.

The work around is to use the 'Refresh' option on the Noojee Click menu.

When enabled, the Monitor Pages option allows Noojee Click to monitor a page for changes after it has finished loading. Modern web sites often provide 'live' pages where the pages contents can change without doing a full page reload. Noojee Click is able to monitor a page for 'live' changes. If a change occurs, Noojee Click will re-scan the modified portion of the page to see if any phone numbers wered added to the page during the live update. Noojee Click will add the 'Dial Icon' to any new phone numbers.

Enable Logging

If checked log messages will be written to the Firefox Error Console.

Enable Debugging

If checked debug messages will be written to the Firefox Error Console.

Debug Filters

Debug Filters control what debug messages are sent to the Firefox Error Console if 'Enable Debugging' is checked. The debugging subsystem uses simple named loggers. If a logger's name appears in the Debug Filters list then any output to that logger will be output to the Firefox Error Console. The Debug Filters list may contain zero or more logger names separated by a comma. The set of available loggers are:

  • config
  • api
  • asterisk
  • events.high
  • events.low
  • job
  • noojeelick
  • phonepatterns
  • prefs
  • render
  • sequence
  • util
  • monitor