CLID Quick Pick list

CLID Quick Pick list

Noojee Click includes an advanced function which provides the ability to rapidly change between CLIDs from a defined list.

To use the CLID Quick Pick list you need to have a web service which is able to return a list of CLID's. You can develop your own server however Noojee's PBX includes a Quick Pick service as standard (from 3.3 onwards).

When configured the CLID Quick Picks adds an additional menu option 'Quick Pick' the the Noojee Click Configuration menu which is accessed from the Firefox Addon bar. The Quick Pick menu will display a submenu which has each of the available CLID's. The currently active CLID is show by a 'tick' next to the CLID's name. The user can change the active CLID by simply clicking an alternate CLID displayed in the menu.

When ever a user Clicks to Dial the currently selected Quick Pick CLID will be sent.

Click the 'Enable CLID Quick Pick' check box.

Enter the URL to the xml file (described below) that contains the quick pick settings.

When using a Noojee PBX you need to ensure that the Context is set to 'njclick' as the standard Noojee PBX 'default' context will interfere with the Caller ID settings.


To enable the CLID Quick list open the Noojee Configuration dialog and click the 'Advanced' tab.

Required Web Service

For CLID Quick Picks to work you must supply a Web Service which returns a list of the CLID's in a defined XML format. The CLID Quick Picks list will be refreshed whenever the user closes the Noojee Click configuration dialog.

The Web Service MUST set the following headers:

Content-Type: application/xml

Cache-Control: no-cache

The returned XML Document MUST conform to the following:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
            <CLID-Quick-Pick name="DisplayName" clid="phoneno"/>
            <CLID-Quick-Pick name="DisplayName2" clid="phoneno1"/>

Replace DisplayName with the label you want to display to the user for the given CLID Quick Pick.

Replace phoneno with the phone no to send as the CLID.

The list of Quick Picks will be displayed in the same order as you supply in the above xml.

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