03. MySQL example
03. MySQL example
Sample stored procedureGeneric Database
CREATE PROCEDURE `getData`( callerIdNum varchar(50),exten varchar(50), didNumber varchar(50), queueName varchar(50), v1 varchar(50), vw varchar(50), v3 varchar(50), v4 varchar(50)) BEGIN SELECT (account.name + ' outstanding balance ' + account.balance) as [DisplayData] , account.accountId [PasteData] , 'http://www.yourcrm.com.au/searchAccountID=' + account.accountId as[URL] , contact.firstName + ' ' + contact.surname as [CallerName] from [YourDatabaseName].[dbo].[tblContact] as contact join [YourDatabaseName].[dbo].[tblAccount] as account on contact.accountId = account.accountId where contact.phoneNumber = callerIdNum; END
Sample QueryGeneric Database
You can test your query by running the following commands from the mysql cli.
The following example assumes that you have a contact in your database with a phone number of '5551234'.
Note for this to work the phone number in your database must not contain spaces or other characters.
If your phone numbers do then you will need to have the above select statement strip them out.
use YourDatabaseName; call getData('5551234','100','61383208100','support','','','','')
, multiple selections available,