02. Accepting an Invitation

02. Accepting an Invitation

In order to access the Noojee Billing portal you must be invited. You can either be invited by Noojee's accounts department or by a colleague that already has access to Noojee's Billing portal.

Follow the instructions on the 01. Request an Invitation page in order to receive an invite.


You will receive your invitation via email. Click the 'Accept Invitation' link which will take you to the Noojee Billing portal 'Set Password' page.

Set Password

Enter an appropriate password. Please ensure that you use a strong password. A good technique is to think up a two or three word phrase (e.g. cat in  hat) and replace the spaces between the words with some non alpha characters (eg. cat1in2hat). This will give you a password that is fairly secure but still easy to remember.

Time zone

It is important that you select the correct timezone for your location as it is used to determine the correct date and time when displaying call detail records. 

If you select the wrong timezone it will be hard to determine exactly when a call took place.