06. Invoices

06. Invoices

You can view the set of Invoices that Noojee has created against your Account by accessing the 'Invoices' tab.

To access the Invoices tab from the Dashboard click the 'Accounts' menu at the top of the page and then click the 'Invoices' tab.

The invoices tab displays a list of the invoices that have been raised against your account. Click on the Invoice number (Reference) to open the Invoice.

Each invoice displays summary data at the top of the invoices and then a group for each Cost Centre. Within the Costs Centre is a sub group for each service associated with that cost centre. For some service a further break down is provided such as displaying a line for 'Mobile' calls and 'National Fixed Line' calls.


The invoice summary displays the following information:

  • Invoice Reference - the invoice number
  • Invoice Date - the date of the invoice which will be the last date in the billing period.
  • Due date - the day by which the invoice is due to be paid.
  • Total for this invoice - the total amount of this invoice including GST.

Above the invoice Details section is a button 'View all records' which will display a table with all of the call records associated with this invoice.

Cost Centre

The invoice details section is broken down into Cost Centres.

The above image shows the 'Demonstration System' cost centre. Within the costs centre are each of the services which have been attributed to that cost centre.


Within each costs centre is a section for each Service. The above image shows the 'Voice Minutes' services.

At the top of each section is a button 'View All Records' which will display all of the call records associated with that service for the invoices date range.


Within each Services section will be one more lines for each of the items that share a common rate (price) these are referred to as rate groups.

In the above image the 'Mobile' and 'National Fixed Line' lines show totals for the calls in that rate group.

You can click on the rate group name (e.g. Mobile) to see a complete list of the calls associated with that rate group for this invoices date range.