1. Skills

1. Skills

Navigation: Provision | Skills


The skills list is used for the Skill Based Routing. To add a skill based route you first need to create the list of skills that you require for your business. Once you have created the skills you then need to add an skill to the appropriate agent.

Accessing the Skills list

To access the skills list go to the Provision menu and click on the skills menu. This will display the list of skills created.

Adding a Skill

Click on the New button in the Skills List page to add a new Skill and enter the Skill name and click save.

Editing and Deleting a Skill

To edit a Skill click on the edit button to the right of the Skill name you wish to edit. This will open New/Edit Skill page and there the skill name can be changed.

To delete a Skill, click on the delete button on the far right of the Skill name you want to delete. If there are agents or thresholds that are associated with the Skill, delete will be denied and an error message stating the association is shown.

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