7.1 Exporting Lead details

7.1 Exporting Lead details

Organisations will often operate a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system or similar system and may need to export the results of the campaign from Noojee Campaigner. The export option is provided to allow the Campaign Manager to export the leads from a campaign. When exporting leads the Campaign Manager can export leads for one or more allocations or for specific disposition codes.

The export option is accessed from the Noojee Campaigner Control Panel. When activated the “Export Campaign Result page will show the Campaign selected as a tree, with the root of the tree being the Campaign. The next level displays the set of Allocations which can be expanded out to show the set of disposition codes used for the campaign. The Campaign Manager can select to export the entire Allocation or just individual disposition codes.

There is an option to select a range of allocations by entering a start/end date range. It is usually simpler to leave the start and end date blank and simply select the desired allocations by clicking the adjacent check boxes. If the 'Add Header row to exported data' check box is selected then the resulting CSV file will include a header row with each column labelled with the field's name.

Once you have selected the required allocations and dispositions then click the 'Export' button to start the export. You can either select to save the CSV file to disk or open it with the associated application. The export process will normally result in Excel being launched (assuming that you have Excel setup to open CSV files). If Excel is launched you will be prompted with the Text Import Dialogue.