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WFM allows you to set up a roster for each team. If you have only a single Team then you will still need to create a create with all of you staff as team members.

Create a new team by 

Team Type

For an Inbound team select ROSTERED_INBOUND.

For an outbound team selected ROSTERED_OUTBOUND.

For a blended team select ROSTERED_INBOUND.

Now add each staff member to the 'Selected' list to add them as team members.

Inbound Teams

For inbound teams you also need to define the Queue Filter (you can ignore the Skill Filter for the moment).

Queue Filter

The Queue filter describes the set of queues that the team takes calls from. This is important as the Roster Forecasting tool needs to know the set of queues that are being manged by the team. As such you need to ensure that you keep the queue filter up to date.

Add the set of queues that this team managers to the 'Selected' list on the Queue Filter tab.

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