Creating Templates

Creating Templates

Navigation: Roster | Roster

Templates help reduce the time it takes to create each weeks roster, by allowing to to configure regular shifts for each Agent.

A Template describes the set of shifts an agent gets. Once you have created templates for you agents you can use the 'Auto Fill' feature to almost instantly fill out your roster.

There are two ways to create templates:

1) Right click on a shift in the Roster screen and select 'Create Template'

2) Add templates from the Agent Roster Management Screen (Navigate: Roster | Agents).

The easiest way is to use the Add Template method.

Start by creating a standard Roster by adding agents to a roster. Reorganise the roster by adjusting start and end times and breaks until you are happy with the roster.

Then for each agent that you want to give a regular roster to, right click their shift and then select Create Template.

Create Template dialog

The Create Template dialog allows you to schedule on what days of the week the model shift should be used. The 'Util' field specifies up to what date you want to use this template.

For more complex Template creation and managing Templates created by this process go to the Agent Roster Management screen.