Forecasting staffing levels

Forecasting staffing levels

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Forecasting creates estimates of staffing levels so you can be sure you have the right no. staff rostered on.

  • The Forecasting system uses prior call volumes handled by a Team, to estimate staffing levels volumes.
  • Like all crystal balls, its only an estimate.
  • The forecasting system will work best if you choose a 'Forecast source Period' (a prior week) that is likely to match the period you are forecasting.

Select a Team

Select the team you want to create a roster for.

Set the date range that you want to forecast

Click the 'Forecast Requirements' button

The forecast dialog will appear.

Set the forecast source.

The forecasting system needs a prior week to use as a 'model week' to base the forecast off.

Select the model week that is likely have had similar call volumes to what you are expecting during your new roster period.

You can often just select the prior week.

For periods like xmas it might be better to select xmas week from last year.

Remember if this is a brand new system and you haven't taken any queued calls as yet then the forecasting system won't work!  Wait a week and then you should have sufficient data to start forecasting.

Select the Desired answer wait time.

The desired wait time should normally reflect your SLA or a shorter period of time. The desired wait time helps the forecasting system to tune the staffing levels.

Be careful here! If you make the time too short the forecast will need to roster a lot more staff.

Its important that you enter a realistic value here. This value will directly affect your labor costs and customer satisfaction. The lower the wait time the higher your labour costs but the greater the customer satisfaction.

Set the Scale by factor.

The scale factor allows you to make an adjustment if you think you will be busier or quieter in the forecast period than you were in the forecast source period.


You set the forecast source period to last xmas.

You have grown you business by 10% since last year so you should set the 'Scale by' factor to +10%.

Run the forecast and the system will estimate your staff requirements.

Forecasting can take a number of minutes to run, so now might be a good time to get that cup of coffee.

Once the forecasting is complete you should see a bar chart. Each bar represents a 15 min block of time. The height of each bar represents the no. of staff you need for that period.