04.5 Caller ID Management

04.5 Caller ID Management

Noojee PBX provides a highly flexibile set of Tools that allow you to control and manage Caller IDs (CLID).

Due to the flexiblity of Noojee's CLID processing things can get complicated fairly quickly. So lets start with a quick set of recommendations based on common usage scenarios and then we will explain the in's and out's of CLID management.


We just use a single CLID for all Calls

Then set the Default Caller ID on the Trunk and leave all other Caller ID settings alone.

We want each handset to have a different Caller ID

Then set the Caller ID on each handset. You should still set the Default Caller ID on the Trunk incase you forget to set a Caller ID on a new handset.

We want each user to have their own Caller ID regardless of the handset they use

This requires that whenever the user changes desks, that they log into Noojee Admin and enter their Username, Password and Extension no.

Set the Caller ID on each Account. You should still set the Default Caller ID on the Trunk, incase you forget to set a Caller ID on a new Account.

We use Noojee Campaigner (dialer) and want per campaign Caller ID's

Use the Campaign Template's Caller ID settings on the Dialer tab. There are lots of options here. If you are controlling Caller ID from the Campaign Template then any Trunk Group Caller ID settings will be ignored.

I want to show a different Caller ID each time I dial

This depends on whether you are dialing from a handset (then user the Trunk Group Caller ID Pool option) or dialing from a Campaign (then use the Campaign Template Caller ID Pool option).


Broadly the concept of managing CLIDs is referred to as 'Caller ID Rewrites' as essentially each layer has the opportunity to rewrite (modify) the CLID as it pass through that layer.

Caller ID management is available via (these layers):

  • Handsets
  • Accounts
  • Campaigner Dialer
  • Trunk Groups
  • Trunks

The method you choose to dial a number will dictate how and which of the above Caller ID management layers are utilised.


Setting the Handset's Default Caller ID allows you to control what CLID is presented when making internal calls. It has no impact when making external calls.


Setting the Account's Default Caller ID allows you to control what CLID is presented with the Account's user makes a call regardless of what handset they are attached to. (Note: their Account must be linked to the Handset they dial from).

The Account's Default Caller ID is also used if the are using Campaigner and the Dialer's Caller ID Mode settings are set to 'AGENT'.

If the Account's Caller ID is marked as 'Hide Caller ID' then their Caller ID will be hidden when they are dialing from their attached handset or when Dialing from Campaigner and the Dialer Caller ID Mode is set to 'AGENT'.

If the Caller ID is set on an account then Trunk Group caller ID rewrites will not be applied.

Campaign Dialer

The Campaign Dialer is the only call path that IGNORES the Trunk Group Caller ID Rewrites; however as usual Trunk Caller ID Rewrites still apply. Note: all other Trunk Group settings still apply. Trunk Group Caller ID Rewrites are ignored by Campaigner as it has its own specialised methods of controlling Caller ID.

The Campaign Dialer has multiple methods of controlling the Caller ID including:

  • Hidden
  • Agent
  • Pool 
  • Fixed

Hidden - the caller ID is hidden, Trunk Caller ID Rewrites are ignored.

Agent - the Caller ID settings from the Agent's Account are used. Trunk Caller ID Rewrites are applied unless the Agent's Account Caller ID is marked as Hidden.

Pool - The Campaign dial will dynamically allocate a Caller ID from a Campaign Template specific Pool of Caller IDs.

Fixed - A Fixed Caller ID will be displayed for every call.

Note: whilst dialed numbers pass through Trunk DID Rewrites any AreaCode Rewrite is ignored as AreaCode Rewrites are predicated on knowing the Agent a call is being dialed for. In any over the overdial modes the Agent isn't know until after the call is connected.

Trunk Groups

Trunk Groups allow you to:

  • Set a fixed Caller ID
  • Use a pool of Caller ID's, randomly selecting one each time a call is made.
  • Rewrite the Call ID based on the No. dialed (DID) or the Caller ID passed to the Trunk Group.

Trunk Group Caller ID Rewrites are IGNORED when dialing from Campaigner.


Trunks provide the lowest level of CLID management and every call no matter how it is originated will pass through the Trunk CLID management.

The purpose of Trunk CLID managment is to:

  • ensure that the CLID is formatted in a manner that is acceptable to the Voice Provider
  • to set a default CLID
  • forcing the CLID to be private for all Calls through this trunk

Most providers require a full 10 digit CLID (e.g. 03 8320 8100) whilst some require the full international dial prefix to be added to the no. (e.g. 613 8320 8100), you can use a Trunk Caller ID Rewrite to ensure the correct format is presented.

The Default Caller ID from the Trunk will only be used if no other Caller ID has been set.

The only time the Trunk CLID Rewrite will NOT occur is if the Caller ID has been marked as private in another layer.

If the Trunk CLID is marked as 'Hide Caller ID' then then Caller ID will be hidden (private) regardless of any other CLID setting.

CLID Rewrites at the trunk level are particularly important when you have a Trunk Group which uses Trunks from different providers, each of which have a different requirement for the formatting of the CLID.  In this case you should pick a consistent format for entering CLID's for all of the other layers and then let the Trunk CLID Rewrite reformat to the specific provider's requirements.

Diagnosing CLID problems


  • Check BOTH of the Campaign Dialers 'Caller ID Modes'
  • If 'AGENT' is selected then check the Account's Caller ID settings.
  • If 'POOL' is selected check the Campaign Templates 'Pool' of Caller IDs
  • Check the Trunk's Caller ID Rewrite rules.

Handset Dial

For internal calls:

Check the Handset's Default Caller ID

Caller ID Rewrites are never applied to internal calls.

For external calls:

Check the Handset's Account's Default Caller ID

Check the Trunk Group the Handset is dialing through

Check the Trunk Group Caller ID Rewrites

Check the Trunk Caller ID Rewrites

Click To Dial / API

Check what Trunk Group is marked as 'Default' as the API always uses the default Trunk Group.

When dialing vai the API if a Caller ID is not set then the normal Caller ID logic will be applied (i.e. check Handset, Account and Trunk for Caller ID's). If a Caller ID is set then the Handset, Account and Trunk Caller ID's will be ignored; however the Trunk and Trunk Group Caller ID rewrites will still be applied. 

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