3.4 Selecting Campaigns

3.4 Selecting Campaigns

If a leads have already been imported a campaign would have been created.

To select a required campaign click on the Select button allocated next to the import button.

Exercise2. Building and importing lead list

We are going to build and import our list of leads entering the field information we want to display and also fields (or information) that we may want to know.

Step 1. Review your Marketing Scenario

Step 2. Open a new or existing spreadsheet if you have some leads already available, using a spreadsheet application, either MS-Excel or Open Office Cal.

Step 3. Create your ‘header row” by entering the fields you require. Keep in mind that some of the fields that you enter may not currently have information for you to enter.

Step 4. Enter lead information, at least 10 rows.

Step 5. Save the file as a .csv file to a location that you can easily find later. This is done by choosing “Save As” and choosing a .csv type.

Step 6. Import the lead list.