Select Source Allocation

Select Source Allocation

Select Source Allocation 

Working left to right select the Campaign Template, Campaign and finally the Allocation that you wish to use as the source of your new Allocation.

Creating a new Allocation from an existing Allocation is a good way handle telemarketing activities that need multiple engagements with your customers. 

For example if after making a sale or an appointment, you need a second person to call the customer back to check the sales or appointment details, then creating a new Allocation from all of the leads marked as 'Sale' or 'Appointment' gives you an easy way of doing this.

Note: this technique is not suitable for all organisations. If you need to have customers contacted whilst then campaign is running (rather than just once at the end) then this mechanism will not work for you. The issue is that each time you create a new Allocation from an existing Allocation it will pull across all of your sales or appointments not just the new ones. This would result in you calling the same customers multiple times.

If you need to do follow up calls as described above whilst a campaign is running, talk to Noojee Support about setting up a 'trickle feed' which automatically copies Sales and Appointments (or any other disposition type you care to use) into an existing Allocation for follow up.