Import Complete

Import Complete

Import complete

The import has now completed.

Review the importation statistics to ensure they match your expectations. You should pay particular attention to the number of leads successfully imported.

Leads may have been rejected for one of the following reasons:

  • Duplicate Phone number - all of the phone numbers in the lead where duplicates of another lead.
  • DNCR - all of the numbers in the lead are on your 'Private' DNCR list.
  • the lead contained some invalid data (such as an invalid phone number)

If you elected to create or top an Allocation and to activate (Start) the Allocation then the Allocation is now visible to Agents and they can start dialing immediately.

If you didn't Allocate or activate (Start) the Allocation then you should now go to the Campaign Control Panel, by clicking the Finish button, to perform any necessary post import processing of leads.

Import Errors

If any leads are rejected the Finish page will contain a link 'Download rejected leads'.

You can click on the this link to download a CSV file which contains a list of the rejected leads and the reason they were rejected (contained in the last column).

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