


Working left to right select the Campaign Type, Campaign and finally the Allocation you want to Stop.

Stopping an Allocation hides it from all Agents.

For clarities sake, 'Stopping' an Allocation does NOT stop the dialer. It only hides the Allocation from all Agents. Any agent currently dialing on the Allocation will not be affected until they stop the dialer.

An Allocation which is hidden from an Agent will NOT appear in the list of Allocations displayed when the Agent starts the dialer. 

You should make a regular habit of Stopping Allocations you are not currently working on as it has two benefits:

  • Reduces clutter. Keeping the list of 'Started' Allocations makes it easier for Agents to find the Allocation they should be working on.
  • Improves performance. Stopped Allocations are moved to a special area of the dialer that reduces its impact on the dialer's performance.