Noojee PBX provides an optional internal Chat feature.
The Chat system is designed specifically for Contact Centre operations with a focus on the speciallised communications paths that occur within a Contact Centre.
Specifically Noojee PBX Chat system makes it easy for:
- An Agent to start a Chat session with their supervisor
- Restrict Agents from having Chat with other Agents
- Create New Chat groups on the fly (both permenant and temporary)
- See the status (logged in, on Call) of an Agent.
- Click to dial any user
- Suspend a Chat room
- Support for Team based Chat
Noojee's Chat system is built directly into the Noojee Admin interface so there is no extra configuration required. A Noojee User is a Chat user.
Chat is access from the 'Chat link in the top left hand corner of Noojee Admin:
Click anywhere on the word Chat or green dot to open the Chat window.
Audible Alerts
The Chat system will play an Audible alert if the agent hasn't opened the chat window upon recieving a chat notification.
The Speaker icon next to the Chat link shows whether audio alerts are enabled and allows a user to toggle audio alerts on/off.
Audio is on when the
icon is displayed.Audio is off when the
icon is displayed.Click the Icon to toggle the alert mode.
Chat Window
The Chat window consists of three panes from left to right:
- Active Chats - list of active chat rooms that you can participate in
- Conversation - the middle pane's title displays the name of the 'focused' chat room and displays the conversation
- Guests - displays the list of possible and actual guests for the 'focused' chat room.
Active Chats
The Active Chats pane displays the list of Chat rooms that you can participate. Click on any of the Chat rooms and the Conversation window will display the discussion history for that Chat Room. The Guests window will also update to show the list of 'invited' guests as well as any Noojee Admin users that can be invited.
The green dot
indicates the currently active chat room.A red dot
indicates a chat room with a message that hasn't been read by you.If you created the Chat room you will see two additional icons.
The power icon
allows you to delete a Chat room.The pause icon
allows you to stop any further discussion in the Chat room until you unpause the discussion.Chat Rooms that have a '*' before the name are persistant (permanent) chat rooms. If there is no '*' before the name then when the room owner logs out of Noojee Admin the room and its history will be deleted.
New Chat Rooms
To create a new Chat room click the 'New Group Chat' button.
When creating a new Chat Room you can choose to make the Room persistent or temporary. If you mark a Room as persistant then it will be available next time you log in to Noojee Admin. Temporary rooms are deleted as soon as you logout.
Click the 'Persistent' checkbox if you want the Chat Room to continue to exist after you logout.
The middle Conversation panel is where you view the conversation history and contribute to the discussion. To send a message to the Chat Room type your message and click the Send button.
Item posted message is displayed with the time and Username for the posted message.
If a user is offline (logged out) when you send a message then (provided the Room is persistent) the next time the user logs in they will see the message.
The right hand Guests panel displays the list of invited and available Guests as well as letting you perform an number of actions.
Inviting Guests to the Chat Room
Users with a 'tick' against their name are members of the Chat Room. You can add and remove members by adding/removing the tick next to their name.
You can invite all available guests by clicking the 'Invite All' button at the bottom right hand corner.
Click to Dial
You can see the phone status of each listed Guess.
A green phone icon
means that the user is not on the phone and that you can click to dial them.A red phone icon
means that the user is currently on the phone.Permissions
There are three levels of permissions that can be applied which control who can invite other members to a Chat room.
Users with this permission can invite anyone to a chat room.
User Groups with the Anyone permission are:
- Administrators
- Office Manager
- Staff Members
Team Members
User with this permission are able to invite anyone able to invite members of their team.
User Groups with the Team Member permission are:
- Administrator
- Office Manager
- Staff Member
- Team Leader - Campaign
- Team Leader - Monitor
- Team Leader - Recording
User with this permission are able to invite their Team supervisor to a chat session.
User Groups with the Supervisor permission are:
- Administrator
- Inbound Agent
- Office Manager
- Outbound Agent
- Staff Member