03.3. Group
Menu: Account | Group
Access: NoojeeAdmin
Groups are the fundamental building block for controlling permissions to services within Noojee Administrator. The set of services and menus a user has access to in Noojee Administrator is controlled by the set of Groups the user's account is a member of.
Groups are also added to Menu items (configured via System | Menu). A Menu item and an Account can belong to zero, one or multiple Groups. The menu items and groups work together in setting access to the services within Noojee Administrator; therefore, when creating a group you need to add the group to the appropriate menu item for the group to access the appropriate services.
Each Group must have a unique name; chosen by the Administrator. Noojee Telephony Solutions already has some groups set up for use with a number of the services. They are:
Administrator – For users who have full permission to administer the PBX.
Agent – Accounts that are to be added to queues. Skills and Queues cannot be attached to Accounts that are not attached to this Group
Agents are able to access the Campaign Dialler (if Noojee Campaigner is part of the client system)
Also used for businesses that have the call recording installed. Agents have access to their own recordings
Authenticated User – All users that login into Noojee Administrator
Everyone – An implicit built in group used to provided access to a number of features that users should have access
Receptionist – Used for business that have Noojee Receptionist installed
Office Manager – provides access to a broad set off features required by a typical Office Manager
Recording Manager – provides access to key management features of the recording system.
Staff Member – provides access to general end user features such as Voice Mail and Noojee Vision.
Supervisor – provides access to Noojee Campaigner and Recorder administration features.
Unauthenticated users – an implicit built in group used to provide access to features such as Whitepages and the login menu before a user actually logs in.
The ‘Everyone’, 'Unauthenticated users' and ‘Authenticated User’ Groups are built in groups and cannot be deleted from the Group List. These groups are also 'implicit' groups in that the are automatically assigned and removed from a users account as the user uses the system. These groups do not (and cannot) be explicitly assigned to a users account. The other groups can be modified but you need to be careful as they can effect the other services within Noojee Administrator. We do not recommend that you delete or modify any of the group that ship with your system.