03.6. Voicemail

03.6. Voicemail


Menu: Provision | Voicemail

Access: NoojeeAdmin, Administrators

Voice mail button under User Management provides access to voice mail configuration for all accounts. This is different to what users can access via Voice mail under User Features.

Voice mail facilities allows a user to view, download and play voice mails via Noojee Administrator. To access a voice mail via Noojee Administrator the users account must be mapped to the voice mail box. If the account was created with Noojee Provision then this will have happened automatically, otherwise you will need to manually associate the voice mail box with the users account. This can be done from the Account screen.

Noojee Administrator allows the management of both individual Voice mail boxes as well as group mail boxes. The technique to manage and access individual and group mail boxes is virtually identical. In both cases a handset needs to be defined and linked to the voice mail box. In the case of group mail boxes the handset is usually a 'virtual' extension which only exists for the purpose of managing a group voice mail box.

If you are using Noojee Provision to configure new extensions then individual voice mail boxes are created by default and no further configuration is required to allow the user to access their voice mail via their handset. By default Noojee Provision sets the voice mail password to the same value as the extension number. If you allow users to access voice mail remotely then you may want to change the password to improve security.

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