2.3 Common Terms

2.3 Common Terms

Term Definition
Agent  a staff member of your business whose task it is to call sales leads.
Allocation  a subset of leads from a campaign given to one or more agents.
Campaign List a list of an agent’s Allocations for processing.
Campaign Manager  the person who creates and manages the campaigns and allocates leads to Agents.
Campaign Name the name of your marketing campaign, created when leads are imported.
Campaign Template  a template used to control how leads are presented and processed.
Campaign  a collection of leads.
CSV a ‘comma separated variable’ file
Dialler  the tool for agents to dial leads.
Dispositions  fields used to record the outcome of a sales call against a lead.
Lead a set of details or fields about an individual, business or company.
Script or Call Script the document that tells the agent what they say whilst on the phone.
Stop Codes fields used to record the reason an Agent has stopped the dialler.