02. Backup Trigger

02. Backup Trigger

Backup Trigger

Menu:System | Backup Trigger

Manually Triggers a Backup of call recordings and key system configuration files.

Audio files can be archived to DVD or a Network share using the backup facility. A blank DVD or the Network share must be mounted before using this option. The backup is normally run automatically each evening and as such it is normally not necessary to manually run the backup. This menu item can be used to trigger the process manually if need be. The manual backup is a handy way to test that the backup is configured correctly rather than having to wait for the next automatic back to be scheduled.

No further input is required after selecting the menu item. The system automatically selects the files for backup and copies the files to the DVD or Network share as appropriate. When Noojee Recorder is being used, each day a new directory is created for audio file storage in the Mid term storage area. The backup utility selects the directory(ies) subsequent to the date of the last successful backup. When the backup has successfully completed the date of the files backed up is written to the BackupLastSuccessfulDate system variable. See the System Variables section for more detail.

Should an error occur an email will be sent to the system administrators email address as specified in “System Variables”.

You shouldn't normally need to manually trigger the Backup unless the system has reported a backup failure and you need to re-run the most recent backup.


To disable backup set the System variable "BackUpType" to "none". (since