01. Network Backup

01. Network Backup

Network Backup is an optional add-on to Noojee Administrator. The backup option allows key configuration files to be backed up to a network share on a nightly basis.


The Network Backup facility is designed to allow a system to be recovered after a catastrophic failure. The backup is NOT an imaging tool. In the event of a failure the core system must be restored or rebuilt by Noojee as required. Once the system is back in an operational state the backup can be used by an Noojee Engineer to restore the client specific configuration. In many cases Noojee can undertake the restoration remotely.


The Network Backup software is designed to backup key configuration files, business messages and recordings (if any) to an existing Windows or Linux Server on a nightly basis. It is the clients responsibility to ensure that the backup files are copied from the Windows or Linux server to tape or an external device. Noojee recommends that the tape or external device is cycled off site on a regular basis as per industry best practice.


The Network Backup software operates on a schedule and is designed to undertake the backup at 12:30 am each night. Backup times are usually less than 10 minutes unless the system has Noojee Recorder installed. If Noojee Recorder is installed the backup duration is dependant on the number of minutes of new recordings made each day.


The Network Backup software requires access to a network share with sufficient capacity to hold the backups. The backup software supports both CIFS (Samba) and NFS.

Noojee's engineers will configure the software when they install it.

We require the following information:

  • Share Type: CIFS/NFS
  • Share Path
  • Read/Write access to the share
  • Username to access share
  • Password to access share
  • Alert email address

The Network Backup software will create a directory for each days backup. The directory will be named based on the current date using the format YYYY-MM-DD.

NOTE: the network backup does not delete old backup directories. If you have limited diskspace on your backup drive then you should setup a cron job to delete the older files.

If the network backup encounters an error an alert will be sent to the Alert email address.


Restoration of the system requires the intervention of a Noojee Engineer.

Licensing and Terms

The software is licensed under the same terms as the PBX. Noojee can provide a copy of our standard terms and conditions if you do not have the original copy.


The Network Backup software comes with a 12 month warranty during which time Noojee we rectify any bugs or defects in the software. The terms and conditions of the warranty are as per the terms and conditions of the PBX.

Noojee takes no responsibility for any possible losses which result from the network backup failing.

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