01.1. Noojee Recorder Control Panel

01.1. Noojee Recorder Control Panel

Noojee Recorder Control Panel

Noojee Recorder Control Panel provides a simple to use navigation point from which you can access all of Noojee Recorder features.

To access Noojee Recorder Control Panel select Record | Recorder.

Control to the various features is controlled by the following built in groups.

  • Recording Manager

  • Agent

  • Supervisor

You should also refer to the set of standard 03.3. Group for a full understanding of Access control in Noojee PBX.

An account who is a member of the Administrators group can create accounts and add the appropriate groups to provide the required access to an account. Multiple groups can be added to a single user if they require multiple levels of access.

  • Recording Manager - full access to all recordings in the system and manages the user accounts.

  • Supervisor - limited access to recordings. A supervisor has access to all recordings made by himself and made by agents assigned to him. The recording manager assigns agents to supervisors by creating a Team.

  • Agent - access only to his own recordings. Agents are assigned to a supervisor (via Team maintenance) and the assigned supervisor also has access to the recordings of all assigned agents.


The system ships with a number of default accounts with the same name as the above groups. You can use these to get started but we generally recommend that you create an account for each user that needs access to the system and assign the appropriate groups to the users account.

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