02. Dialer Integration

02. Dialer Integration

Direct dialer integration into your CRM allows your agents to run Noojee's Predictive Dialer directly from within your CRM. In this case the agents do NOT interact with the Noojee Campaigner interface at all.

The above image shows Sugar CRM with Noojee's Dialer embedded. The dialer is the small window in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.


Staff can continue using a familiar interface (the CRM) when runing phone campaigns.

Staff will always have the most up to date information available from the CRM (although IFRAME Wrapping can achieve the same result).


Dialer integration is the most expensive way of deploying Noojee Campaigner as it will require custom programming of your CRM.

Some CRM's do not allow the level of customisation required to facilitate integration of the dialer.

May CRM's are slow to display a lead or account which can be a problem when running in Pooled or Predicitve dialer modes. The issues is that when the dialer  connect sthe agent to the customer the CRM still hasn't display the customers details.

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