03. Lead Import

03. Lead Import

The standard method of importing leads into Noojee Campaigner is via a CSV file (comma delimited) and this can be a time consuming. If your leads are held in a CRM then you first need to export the leads to a CSV file and then import them into Noojee Campaigner. 

Noojee Campaigner provides an interface which allows it to directly import leads from your existing CRM. Many CRM's allow you to create and manage lists of leads (often referred to as a Campaign). The import interface can import a campaign directly from your CRM's database (SQL) or a web service (SOAP, REST...) if your CRM provides one.

The image shows the simplified import operation. The CRM is considered an external Source and a campaign within the CRM is considered an External List. Importing the data from the CRM  is as simple as as selecting the appropriate External Source and then the External List. Clicking Save will import the the complete list in a few seconds.


Greatly simplified import process.

Stops theft of leads as staff don't need to have access to raw lead data.


Generally requires the development of a custom import module. In some instances Noojee will already have developed a standard importer for your CRM.

More expensive to implement than a simple CSV import.

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