4.3 Creating additional fields

4.3 Creating additional fields

Fields are imported into Campaigner when you import your leads, therefore the only fields available. However, you can add fields at a later date to be available in your script. This is done through the ‘Fields’ button located at the bottom of the ‘List of Campaign Screen layout” list. There is a variety of formats available of how the fields can be added to the call script screen. Choose the call script screen you want to add new fields to and click on the field button.

Won’t go into detail today, but you can review the Technical manual for details.

Exercise 3.    Creating a script

Step 1.Select your campaign.

Step 2. Click on the Screen layout button

Step 3. Select your call script to edit.

Step 4. Click on the edit button.

Step 5. Try and add different field’s types and experiment with the HTML toolbar.