04.3.03. Queue Members

04.3.03. Queue Members

Queue Members

The Queue 'Members' tab displays the queue thresholds and its associated Skill/Agents.

The 'Threshold' table in the page displays the Thresholds associated with the Queue. If creating a new queue, a default Threshold of type -'Immediate' is displayed. Thresholds can be added/modified/deleted using the Add / Edit / Remove buttons below the 'Threshold' table, respectively. 'Call Threshold' value of SLA type thresholds are the Queues 'Service Level' field value. On selecting a row in the 'Threshold' table, the list box beside the table displays the Static Agents, Dynamic Agents or Skills associated with thresholds selected based on the threshold 'members by' field. Skill/Agents can be added or removed using the 'Add' and 'Remove' button below the list box.

A selected threshold can only be deleted if it has no agents/skills associated with it.

The 'Matching Members' table displays all Members associated with the Queue or with the selected threshold (i.e. agents directly associated or agents that match threshold skills ), depending upon value selected for the drop down 'Show matching members for'.

In case of Queue Edit, unsaved changes in the members tab will be reset each time the user switches back to 'Members' tab.

Figure 14– Queue New/Edit Page:Members