04.3.07 Extended Wrap Feature

04.3.07 Extended Wrap Feature


The Extended Wrap feature allows for variable wrap periods on inbound calls.

The standard Queue Wrap period provides a fixed amount of time after each call during which the agent is not considered available. If you need to provide your agents with a variable wrap time then you must activate the 'Use extended wrap' option in the 04.3.01. Queue Settings.

When the 'Use extended wrap' option is enabled the agent is automatically placed into extended wrap at the end of each call. The Agent is then responsible for ending the Extended Wrap and will remain unavailable to take a call until they do.

When an Agent enters Extended Wrap, Noojee Vision will pop open a window which ask the user to select the reaon for the Extended Wrap. The set of reasons are configurable by an Administrator.

When the user selects a reason and clicks the 'OK' button their Wrap period will immediately terminate and they will be marked as available to take additional calls.

If the agent enables the 'Extend Wrap' option before clicking the 'OK' button then the agent will be placed in extended wrap and will remain there until they cancel the wrap via the Noojee Vision interface. When an agent enters Extended Wrap via this method a 'Resume All' button appears at the top of the Noojee Vision page and the Agent clicks the 'Resume All' button to terminate Extended Wrap and make themselves available to take calls.

The image below shows an Agent who has completed a call and will now select a Wrap reason and activate the extended Wrap option:

Creating Pause codes for Extended Wrap

When a Queue is using the Extended Wrap feature, Pause and Stop reasons can be created in Noojee Admin to allow Agents to enter a code when completing a call or Logging out.

Stop Codes are created and edited via Provision -> Pause Reasons from the main screen. Please note that Stop codes are used for both Stop and Pause reasons.

The image below shows a Manager creating a new Stop Code for staff to use:

The intended use is for an Agent who has to fill out a form or document after taking a call.

The feature also allows for codes when an Agent logs out of a Queue.

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