Agent Activity

Agent Activity


The Agent Activity report provides a high level breakdown as to where an agent is spending their time. The breakdowns are:

  • Available
  • On Call
  • Wrap
  • Extended Wrap
  • Paused
  • Total

The report shows the Agent's total time spent in each of the above activities as well as the total time they were 'Started' on a queue.

Intended Use

Allows you to quickly check how much time agents are spending in key areas such as wrap, extended wrap and paused. Pay attention to the Extended Wrap time as agents will often 'loiter' in Extended Wrap to avoid taking more calls. The Pause time is also important and should be checked against the amount of time agents have for allocated breaks.

Selection CriteriaCall Distribution

You can control the set of data returned via the report filters.

  • Date Range This defines the reporting period. The start period commences at 12:00am and the end period completes at 12:00am the next morning (e.g. that gives you a single 24 hour period). To select a single date the start and end periods should be for the same date.
  • Interval You can also select an 'Interval'  which controls the level of detail you see. For example if you select an Interval of 'Day' then there will be one line per day for each Queue Route combination. If you selected 'Quarter Hour' then there will be one line per 15 minute interval for each Queue Route combination.

  • Queue: Defines the set of queues the report will be run against. You can select multiple queues by 'control-clicking' each queue in turn.
  • Agent: Defines the set of Agents the report will br run against. You can select multiple Agents by 'control-clicking' each Agent in turn.

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