Intraday Agent

Intraday Agent


The Intra Day Agent Report gives an overview of an agents activities broken down by queue and then 15 minute blocks for the day.

Intended Use

 This report is useful to gauge the amount of calls agents are handling as well a time spent on calls vs pause and login times.

The report can be helpful when determine resource requirements as it shows how loaded each agent has been. In particular look at Handling Time as apposed to Logged In time.

Selection Criteria

Specify date. This will return a report for the given date selected



Field Description
Agent First Name, Last Name, Username of Agent
Queue Name of inbound queue
Interval Date and time at the beginning of 15 minute block
Calls Number of calls for a particular date and time interval
Talk Time Total Total talk time for a given date and time interval
Talk Time Average The average talk time for a given date and time interval
Wrap Up Time Total wrap time for given time period
Handling Time Total talk time + wrap time
Pause Time Total time paused for given time period
Login Time How long an agent was actively logged in for the given period

Refer to the Report Definitions for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.

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