Call Distribution

Call Distribution

Call Distribution


The call distribution report compares how calls (answered/unanswered) were dealt with across days and hours in the selected period.

Intended Use

The Call Distribution report can help determine resourcing levels required to service call volumes.

The most common way to run this report is for a single day and look at the distribution for each hour of the day.

Take particular note of the 'Unanswered call distribution per hour' as non-zero values indicate that you are missing calls at that time of the day.  You should however take the Max Wait Time into consideration. If the Max Wait Time is below your SLA then these calls are of a lesser concern as you couldn't have been reasonable be expected to answer these calls.

You should also consider your Average Talk Time as this will give you some idea of how busy your team is. If the Average Talk Time is 5 minutes then your staff can take at most 12 calls each hour (5m x 12 = 60m). In reality you shouldn't normally exepct to see utilisations at greater than about 50 minutes of every hour (this no. can vary significantly based on the type of calls being handled and the amount of wrap time required to complete any paper work post each call).


When running the Call Distribution report you can control the report based on a number of selection criteria:

  • Date Range TThis defines the reporting period. The start period commences at 12:00am and the end period completes at 12:00am the next morning (e.g. that gives you a single 24 hour period). To select a single date the start and end periods should be for the same date.
  • Queue: Defines the set of queues the report will be run for. You can select multiple queues by 'control-clicking' each queue in turn.


The Call Distribution Report is made up of 6 sub-reports.

Answered Call Distribution Per Day




The date the calls took place.


Number of calls answered on the particular day.

Answered Calls%

Percentage of calls answered on that day to the total number of calls received on that day.

Avg. Call Time

Average Call time for the calls answered on that day.

Max. Call Time

Maximum Call time for the calls answered on that day

Answered Call Wait Time Per Day




The date the calls took place.


Number of calls answered on the particular day.

Answered Calls%

Percentage of calls answered on that day to the total number of calls received on that day.

Avg. Wait Time

Average wiat time for the calls answered on that day.

Max. Wait Time

Maximum wait time for the calls answered on that day

Unanswered Call Wait time Per Day




The date the calls took place.


Number of calls unanswered on the particular day.

Unanswered Calls%

Percentage of calls unanswered on that day to the total number of calls received on that day.

Avg. Wait Time

Average Wait time for the calls unanswered on that day.

Max. Wait Time

Maximum Wait time for the calls unanswered on that day

Answered Call Distribution Per Hour




The hour the calls occurred in. If the report is run across multiple days then calls from the same hour across all days are aggregated into a single row.


Number of calls answered on the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.

Answered Calls%

Percentage of calls answered in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.

Avg. Talk Time

Average talk time for calls in the particular hour. Where a call spans more than one hour, only the portion that occured in the particular hour will be counted.


Max. Call Time

Maximum Call time for the calls in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified. Where a call spans more than one hour, only the portion that occured in the particular hour will be counted.

Avg Wait Time Accumulated Average wait time for the calls answered in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.
Max Wait Time Accumulated maximum wait time for the calls in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified

Unanswered Call Distribution Per Hour




The hour the calls occurred in. If the report is run across multiple days then calls from the same hour across all days are aggregated into a single row.


Number of calls answered on the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.

Unanswered Calls%

Percentage of calls unanswered in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified to the total number of calls received in that hour.

Avg. Wait Time

Accumulated Average wait time for the calls in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified that are never answered.

Max. Wait Time

Accumulated maximum wait time for the calls in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified that are never answered.

Total Call Distribution Per Hour




The hour the calls occurred in. If the report is run across multiple days then calls from the same hour across all days are aggregated into a single row.


The total number of calls answered on the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.

Total Calls%

Percentage of calls answered in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.

Avg. Talk Time

Average of the talk Time for the calls answered in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified. Where a call spans more than one hour, only the portion that occured in the particular hour will be counted.

Max Talk. Time

Maximum of the talk Time for the calls in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified. Where a call spans more than one hour, only the portion that occured in the particular hour will be counted.

Avg. Wait Time

Accumulated Average wait time for all calls in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.

Max Wait Time Accumulated maximum wait time for all calls in the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.
SLA Perf. SLA Performance within the particular hour and within the date/time interval criteria specified.

Refer to the Report Definitions for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.