General Statistics-762

General Statistics-762


The General Statistics report provides a snapshot of how well your team is going answering and handling calls.

In particular it provides a visual breakdown of how long your team is taking to answer calls.

Intended Use

Provides a quick health check on how long your team is taking to answer and handle calls including statistics on why calls were lost.

Selection Criteria

When running the General Statistics report you can control the report based on a number of selection criteria:

  • Date Range This defines the reporting period. The start period commences at 12:00am and the end period completes at 12:00pm. To select a single date the start and end periods should be for the same date.
  • Queue: Defines the set of queues the report will be run for. You can select all queues by clicking the checkbox at the top labeled 'Queue' or you can select one individual queue.





Answered Calls

The number of calls that were answered in the period for the selected queue, also expressed as a percentage of the total number of calls entering the queue

Unanswered Calls

The number of calls that were not answered in the period for the selected queue, also expressed as a percentage of the total number of calls entering the queue

Wait time

Total: Total time that a caller waited for their call to be answered

Maximum: Maximum time spent by callers in waiting for the call to be connected.

Average: Average time spent by callers in waiting for the call to be connected.

Minimum: Minimum time spent by callers in waiting for the call to be connected.

Talk time

The time that a caller spoke to the agent. Total, Maximum and Average are displayed
Wrap Time The total time agents spent in Wrap during the selected period.
Handling Time The total time agents spent Handling calls during the selected period.

Answer call wait time

The time that callers waited for their call to be answered. Quantities and percentages are displayed for 15 second intervals up to 90 seconds along with a graph

Hang up Cause For Answered

Graph and a table of values denoting why the call ended, how many and what percentage they represent. Reasons for ending are

  • Agent Hang up - the agent ended the call be hanging up
  • Caller Hang Up - the caller ended the call by hanging up
  • Transfer - the agent transferred the caller to another extension.
  • Lost

Hangup Cause for Unanswered

Graph and a table of values denoting why calls ended before an agent answered it, how many and what percentage they represent. Reasons for ending are

  • Abandon - the caller hungup
  • Exit with key - the caller pressed a dtmf key to exit the queue
  • Exit with timeout - the queue's timeout was exceeded.
  • Lost

Refer to the Field Glossary for more detailed explanation of each field and how it is derived.