Queue Details

Queue Details

Navigation: Report | Inbound Reports | Queue Details


The Queue Details reports displays details of every call that entered a queue.

Intended Use

If you need to find the details of a specific call then the Queue Details report allows you to filter by date, queue and agent.

This can be handy when attempting to resolve complaints. You should also consider replaying the Call Recording if you have recording enabled.


When running the Agent Statistics report you can control the report based on a number of selection criteria:

  • Date Range: This defines the reporting period. The start period commences at 12:00am and the end period completes at 12:00pm. To select a single date the start and end periods should be for the same date.
  • Queue: Defines the set of queues the report will be run for. You can select all queues by clicking the checkbox at the top labeled 'Queue' or you can select one individual queue.
  • Agent:Defines the set of agents the report will be run for. You can select all agents by clicking the checkbox at the top labeled 'Agent' or you can select one individual agent.






The Username of the agent.

Extension The extension that the agent was using when they answered the call.


The name fo the Queue as set in the Queue Edit screen.

Hangup cause

The hangup reason i.e Caller hung up after completing the call , Agent hung up after completing the call, Caller abandoned the call.

Call Entry Time

The Time when the call entered the queue.

Call Duration (s)

The total time in seconds of the call from when it entered the queue until it is hungup.

Wait Time

The total time in seconds the call spent waiting in the queue for an agent to answer.

Route The Route the call entered the queue via.
DID Number The DID that the caller rang to enter the Queue.

Refer to the Report Definitions for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.