Web to Lead (Dialer)

Web to Lead (Dialer)

In some cases you may need to import leads directly into Noojee Campaigner as those leads become available.

A typical example is an enquiry form on a website. When a user fills out the enquiry form you want the enquiry information to appear directly in Noojee Campaigner as a lead.

Noojee Campaigner provides a simple Web-To-Lead Application Programming Interface (API) which allows leads to be directly added to an existing campaign.

Note: there is a delay of approximately five minutes between a lead being pushed into Noojee Campaigner and the lead being available to an active agent. This is due to leads being cache by Noojee Campaigner to ensure maximum speed. The cache is refreshed on a five minute cycle at which point any new leads from the Web form will appear.

The API provides a simple method for adding a lead into Noojee Campaigner using either a http get or a http post. You should only use the http post method if you have large amounts of data (in excess of 4096 bytes) that need to be added to a lead.

The method takes a number of arguments

Field Field Name Expected Value Mandatory
Campaign Name njCampaigName Any existing campaign name from Noojee Campaigner. If the name include spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters then the characters must be escaped. Yes
Allocation Name njAllocation Any existing allocation name for the given Campaign Name from Noojee Campaigner. If the name include spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters then the characters must be escaped. Yes
Callback Date njCallbackDate A date/time on which the the lead is to be called back. If a lead has a call back date it will not be dialed until the give callback date/time. No
Field Name/Value pairs Any Field name(s) from the above Campaign.

Each of the fields that need to be added to the lead are supplied as a Name/Value pair in the form Name=Value. e.g. first_name=John.

Any non-alphanumeric characters MUST be escaped (url encoded).

At least one field called 'Phone' MUST be provided.

URL: http://{somehost}/servicemanager/services/njadmin-api-createlead?njCampaignName=Solar&njAllocationName=WestSydney&Phone=12341234&first_name=John&last_name=Smith&Street=10%20Bourke%20Rd

This method returns the standard HTTP status '200' on success otherwise an error message is returned.

Available Since 2.7.14

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