Updating Leads

Updating Leads

As well as inserting new leads the lead injector also allows user to update existing leads.

If your external data source returns a column 'njAction' then the contents of that field will be used to control how the lead is applied to the system.

Valid values for njAction are:

  • ADD

njAction: Add

The Add action inserts a fresh lead into an Allocation applying the standard de-duplication of leads based on the leads phone number(s). An njAction of 'Add' has the same affect as providing a lead with no njAction column (e.g. its a fresh lead).

If you want to later modify or reallocate this lead then you must specify a unique value for the column njExternalLeadId.

njAction: Modify

Looks for an existing lead that has matching value for the field 'njExternalLeadId' and updates the lead.

When a lead is updated essentially a new call record is added (accessible from the Call Editor) and a new disposition is applied. 

When modifying a lead you MUST provide the column njDisposition and specify the leads new disposition.

When modifying a lead you MUST provide the column njExternalLeadId and provide the correct value to match the original lead.

If you Modify a phone field de-duplication will NOT be applied. So be careful!

Disposition Actions

Any Dispositon Actions associated with the new Disposition (via the value in njDispositon) WILL be triggered .

njAction: Reallocate

Dispositions the matching lead and copies the lead to a new allocation as a fresh lead.

When the njAction is Reallocated you MUST provide the njAllocationName field.

No Change

When modifying a lead or Reallocating the lead you may not want to update some field values. You can do this by providing the field column in the data source but provide a field value with '<No Change>'. For these fields the current value for that field in the lead will not be changed.

Example Data set returned to the Injector

phone Surname njExternalLeadId NjAction njDisposition njCallBackDate njAllocationName
<No Change>   1 MODIFY SALE    
<No Change> <No Change> 2 MODIFY SALE    
<No Change> sutton 3 REALLOCATE SALE 2016/12/31 14:23:00 a15-2
383208134 <No Change> 4 MODIFY SALE    
383208135 Smith 5 MODIFY SALE    
383208112 <No Change> 6 MODIFY Call Back 2016/12/25 03:15:00  
<No Change> Thomson 7 MODIFY SALE    
<No Change> <No Change> 8 MODIFY busy    
123 Johnston 9 MODIFY SALE    
<No Change> Davies 10 MODIFY SALE    

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