Caller ID Masks

Caller ID Masks

Caller ID Masks

Caller ID Masks are nolonger required except for pass through systems (most systems are not pass thourgh)

Instead you can set the Caller ID of a Handset or Account directly on those pages.

For outbound calls The Caller ID (CLID) can be modified (referred to as over-stamping) or hidden using the Caller ID masking feature.

The details required to enter a caller ID mask are as follows:

  • Original Call ID: The Caller ID presented by your PBX, that should be hidden or masked (mapped).

  • Masked Call ID: The new Caller ID to be presented to external parties, this is ignored when hiding the caller ID

  • Is Hidden: Set this flag to hide (block) the caller ID altogether.

  • Comments: Enter a free text comment describing why the mask is being applied.

Noojee Recorder

When using Noojee Recorder in a pass through system (where you have another PBX hooked up to Noojee Recorder) Caller ID Masks are used to assign recordings to user accounts automatically. This is not need for a standard Noojee Admin system.

For outbound calls Noojee Recorder needs a method of automatically associating a recording with the agent that made the call. If a call can be automatically assigned to an agent the agent will have instance access to their own recording via the Noojee Recorder interface. If Noojee Recorder is unable to to automatically map the recording to an agent, then only a Recording Manager will have access to the recording. Noojee Recorder uses the standard caller id facility provided by many PBX's to automate the mapping of recordings to agents. For this to work each call must present with a unique caller id for the agent that originated the call. Some organizations may not want to present unique caller id's for each agent to customers. Instead the organization may want to either block the caller id completely or else present a specific caller id regardless of the agent that made the call. The caller ID mask feature allows the organizations PBX to present unique caller id's to Noojee Recorder whilst controlling what caller id's are presented to customers.

Caller ID Masks allows the Caller ID presented by the organizations PBX to Noojee Recorder to be mapped to an alternate number before being presented to the called party (customer).

It should be noted that the telecommunications act only allows you to map the number to one of your existing organization phone numbers. Caller ID Masks are useful for call centres which run multiple inbound contact points and want to present a telephone number for an appropriate contact point based on the originating extension number. Note: it may be illegal for your Call Centres to hide their caller id.