03.06. Allocations

03.06. Allocations

Allocations are used to control how and when agents get access to leads. At a simple level an allocation is a subset of leads from a campaign. A campaign manager creates an allocation, activates it and then agents can access the allocation to call the associated set of leads.

Creating an allocation

An allocation can be created from the Campaign Control Panel by clicking the 'Allocate' button.

Figure: Creating an allocation

The set of disposition displayed is dependant on the Campaign Types defined set of dispositions. The number in braces [e.g. (1)] adjacent to each check box indicates the number of leads available that have the associated disposition type.


Allocation Name

Give the Allocation a name which will be meaningful to you and the Agents that need to use the Allocation. The allocation name will be used throughout Noojee Campaigner when refering to this allocation.

e.g. 'Cold Calls, Sydney CBD - Oct 2012

Screen Layout

Leave the default selection.

Use Filter

If you wish you can filter the set of leads based on one of the imported fields. For instance if you imported a field call 'State' you could select the 'State' field from the filter Drop list, select 'equals' from the operator drop list and then enter 'NSW' in the filter operand field (the field to the right of the operator drop list).


Once you have set the filter click the preview to view the number of leads that match your filter. In the example below there is only '(1)' lead available.  To allocate that lead click the 'New' checkbox.  You can change the value in the allocation count field (the edit control next to the 'New' checkbox) to control the number of leads actually allocated. The value can be anywhere from 1 to the maxiumum number of leads available (in this example that also happens to be only 1).


Click the 'Save' button to create the allocation. Depending on the size of the allocation this may take several minutes to create. Be patient!

Advanced Details

For more advanced details on creating an allocation see the section on 09. Allocations.

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