09.1. Creating an allocation

09.1. Creating an allocation

An allocation can be created from the Campaign Control Panel by clicking the 'Allocate' button.

Give the Allocation a meaningful name, select the Screen Layout and then select the leads to included in the allocation by enabling the check box adjacent to the disposition of interest and entering the number of leads to take with that disposition The special disposition 'New' indicates leads that have not been called. For a brand new allocation (one that hasn't been called) all of the available leads will be categoriesed as 'New'.

Figure: Creating an allocation


Allocating New leads

You can control how many new leads to allocate by clicking the checkbox adjacent to the 'New' Disposition Type and entering a number from 1 to the maximum number of leads show as being available.

The number in braces [e.g. (1)] adjacent to each check box indicates the number of leads available that have the associated disposition type.

Re-allocating leads

Sometimes you will want to call certain leads a second time. For instance you may have a team that makes bookings and another team that checks those bookings. In this case you may want to re-allocate all of the Allocations marked with the Disposition of 'Booking'.

For Allocations that have been called the you will be shown the set of dispositions that have been used on the Allocation along with the number of leads that have that disposition.

To 're-allocate' leads click the tick box adjacent to the Disposition name (the tick box on the left hand side) and then enter a number in the adjacent input field to control how many of the leads with that disposition are re-allocated. You can enter a number from 1 to the number of leads show as being available for that dispostion.

Reseting Callbacks

Some dispositions have a Callback date associated with them. In some cases you may want to bring forward the date the lead is called. You can do this by clicking the tick box labeled 'reset callbacks to now'. This has the affect that all callbacks will be made immediately available in the new Allocation.

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