03.1.1.Managing Accounts

03.1.1.Managing Accounts

Managing Accounts

The Account page is where a Administrator manages user/staff accounts. Accounts store the login and personal details of a user and the Group permissions for a user. Group permissions give users access to the required services in Noojee Administrator. If a company has the 'Call Recorder' facilities installed the Recording Managers can also access the Account facilities to add, edit and delete user accounts. The Recording Managers also have the ability to change a users password details.

To access the Account facility hover on the account menu and click on the Accounts button, this will display a list of users for the business. The account list is displayed in alphabetical order by the Login field and displays 15 records per page. To view the other pages click on the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons displayed at the top of the page. If these buttons do not appear then there are no more recordings listed.

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