01.2.9 Search by URL
An authenticated user can force a search of the Recorded Calls page via a url using one of the following forms.
Sending either form of the URL will cause the Recorded Calls page in Noojee Admin (Navigate To: Record | Recorded Calls) to open with the filter pre-populated with the passed in search argument.
Note: a user MUST be logged into Noojee Admin for this URL to work.
Each sample you MUST change 'myserver.clouddialer.com.au' to match the host name you use to access Noojee Admin
Search by Phone No.
The final part of the URL is the Phone Number that you want to search for.
For the search to work the format of the passed phone number must match the format that phone numbers are stored in on your system.
e.g. 61383208100 vs 0383208100
To determine the format that you system stores numbers in, simply look on the Recorded Calls page (Navigate To: Record | Recorded Calls) and use that format.
Search by Unique Call ID
The final part of the URL is the Unique Call Id that you want to search for.
Full Text Search
The Search by URL actually really just does a full text search on the recording list. So whilst we document the two above forms of doing search, in reality the final part of the URL will be used to search any text that is displayed in the Recorded Calls page.
The above url will search for all recordings made by the agent 'bsutton'
The above URL will search for all recording made on the 2017-05/16