12. Dialer Operation

12. Dialer Operation

The primary purpose of Noojee Campaigner is to allow Agents to call leads in the most efficient manner possible. Calling of leads is down via the Dialer page (Campaign | Dialer). Any number of agents may be active on the system at once (subject to licensing and hardware limitations) and they can each be working on a different Allocation or one or more of the Agents may be working on the same Allocation.

Noojee Campaigner is able to allow multiple agents to work on the same Allocation by using a locking mechanism which controls access to leads. When an Agent accesses a lead it will be locked for 3 minutes or until the Agent completes the call. Whilst the lead is locked no other agents will be able to access the lead.

Dialer Modes

Noojee Dialer has a number of modes that it can operate in. The following describes how the dialer operates in 'Preview Mode'. Preview Mode is the slowest of all modes and is generally used for 'warm leads'. When making cold calls you will want to use one of the Predictive dialer or one of the Pooled dialers, to minimize the time to connect the next lead.

Refer to the '12.3. Dial Mode' page for additional details on the available dialing modes.

The Dial Mode is controlled through the 04. Campaign Template page.

Select an Allocation

To access the dialer select Campaign | Dialer. The Agent is presented with a list of active allocations. The Campaign Manager is responsible for activating Allocations via the Start button on the Campaign Control Panel.

Figure: list of active allocation and associated statistics

An Agent can search for a specific allocation by entering either the Allocation or Campaign Name into the Search field and clicking the magnifying glass. Click the desired Allocation row and then 'Select Campaign' to start calling leads.

The list of statistics includes:

Column Explanation

On Call

The number of leads which agents are currently


The number of leads which are locked.


The total number of callbacks which are due or past due.


The number of leads which are available to call which includes callbacks due now but not future call backs.


The number of leads set with a future callback date.


The total number of leads originally associated with this allocation.


The number of leads where no further action is required for this allocation.


The total number of leads originally associated with this allocation.

Preview Area

The Dialer window has four main areas. The upper section is dedicated to displaying the lead details is referred to as the Preview area. The Preview area will normally be blank until Noojee Dialer is started. In any of the Pooled dialer or Predictive dialer modes the Preview area will remain blank until a call is actually connected. The layout of the Preview area is controlled by the05. Screen Layouts selected when the 09. Allocations was created.

Figure: Dialer window with a lead in Preview mode

Disposition Area

The Disposition area of the Dialer window provides a drop list containing the set of Disposition codes available for the 04. Campaign Template associated with the selected 09. Allocations. The Disposition drop list will be disabled until the call is connected. In the default mode the Agent will be need to enter a disposition code either whilst on the call or once the call is terminated. If the Agent select the 'Disposition Hangup' check box then the action of selecting a Disposition code will hang up the call. The preferred method is really up to the Agents work habits. In either case the Dialer will not progress to the next lead until the Agent enters a Disposition code. If the Agent attempts to close the browser or navigate away from the Dialer page they will also be prompted to enter a disposition code. If the Agent manages to close the browser without entering a Disposition code then the system will allocate one of the built-in Disposition codes.

Statistics Area

The Statistics area displays data about the current lead and allocation that the agent is working on as follows:

  • Number of Calls on Lead - The number of times the current lead has been called

  • Time spent on Calls - The amount of time spent on the phone with this lead.

  • Number of Calls Today - The number of calls this logged in Agent has made on the current Allocation today.

  • Time spent on Calls Today - The total time the agent has spent on the phone today for the current Allocation.

The statistics area is also used to display the callback date picker when a callback is set.

Noojee Dialer Area

The Noojee Dialer window is located at the bottom of the screen and can be displayed by clicking the 'restore' button in the title bar of Noojee Dialer

In its default mode the Noojee Dialer window will display itself whilst dialing a number and then minimise itself automatically once the call has connected. If the Agent would prefer to have Noojee Dialer open at all times they can pin the Dialer open by clicking the 'Pin' button in the title bar of Noojee Dialer The unpin button is next to the Pin button. Once pinned the Noojee Dialer window can be dragged to a convenient place on the screen.

Figure: Noojee Dialer waiting to be started

Using Noojee Dialer

When you first enter the Dialer screen Noojee Dialer will be displayed near the bottom of the window.

To start the dialer click the 'Start' button on the Noojee Dialer window.

Once the Dialer starts it will automatically dial the first number. Once the call is connected Noojee Dialer will automatically minimise itself so you can see the lead details.

Figure: Noojee Dialer waiting to be started.

Dialer Phases (for Preview Mode)

Preview Phase

The Preview phase is only used when the Dialer is in preview Mode. In other Dialer Modes the lead is displayed as the call is connected.

The dialer will immediately select the first available lead and enter the preview phase. The first available lead is then presented to an agent with all input fields displayed as read-only. The Agent may truncate the preview phase by clicking the Skip Preview button. If clicked the dialer will truncate the Preview Phase and immediately enter the dial phase.

Figure: Noojee Dialer in the Preview Phase with progress bar

Dial Phase

Once the Preview Phase is complete the dialer commences dialing the lead.

The Agent may skip the number being dialed by clicking the 'Skip' button. The Agent must enter a disposition reflecting why the lead was skipped.

Figure: Noojee Dialer dialing a phone number

On Call Phase

Once the lead has been successfully connected the fields in the Preview area are enabled so that the Agent can update any necessary data during the call. Once the call is connected the Agent goes through the script with the customer and updates or enters any new information into the appropriate fields.

Wrap Up Phase

At the end of the call when the client hangs up the Dialer enters the Wrap Up Phase which is designed to give the Agent time to enter a disposition code and finish any other required tasks.

The Agent my truncate the Wrap Up Phase by clicking the cross at the end of the Wrap Up Phase progress bar. Once the Disposition code has completed the Dialer selects the next available lead and enters the Preview period.

When on a call, the call can be terminated in one of four ways

  • The client hangs up

  • The agent hangs up by placing their handset 'on hook'

  • The agent hangs up by clicking the 'Hangup' button on the dialer

  • The agent hangs up by entering a disposition code one the check box 'Disposition Hangup' is selected.

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